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An Overview of Behaviorist Theory

            Behaviorist theory is  founded by J.B . Watson. Basically it is a psychological theory of native language learning. This theory was advanced in America as a new approach to psychology in the early decades of the 20th century by making a particular emphasis on the importance of verbal behaviour. This has received a considerable trust from the educational world of 1950s.

            Behavirist theory is originated from Pavlov’s experiment which indicates that stimulus and response work together. Ivan Pavlov, Behaviorisma Russioan Psychologiat, conducted a series of experiments in which he trained a dog to salivate when hearing a tuning fork through a procedure that he has come to be known as classical conditioning. For him, the procces of learning consisted of the formation of association betweeen stimuli and reflexive responses. In his classical experiments he trained a dog to associate the sound of a tuning fork fork with salivation until the dog acquired a conditioned response that is salivation at the sound  of the tuning fork. A previously neutral stimulus (the sound of the tuning fork) had acquired the power to elicit a response (salivation) that was originally elicited by another stimulus (the smell of food).

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